Product Description
* The item description provided by the seller is automatically translated.
In some circumstances, the automatic translation may not provide a clear or accurate description, so please only use it as a reference when placing bids or orders.
⭐️商品紹介⭐️ こちらはTAKEO KIKUCHI(タケオキクチ)のテーラードジャケットです。 フロントは2つボタン仕様で、胸ポケットとフラップ付きのサイドポケットを備えています。 素材は表地がコットン77%、ポリエステル20%、ポリウレタン3%で、裏地はポリエステル100%のです。 裏地には上品なストライプ柄が使われており、袖口にはボタンが配置されています。 ❤️魅力ポイント❤️ ・清涼感のあるライトグレーで春夏に最適なカラー ・コットン混素材で着心地が良く、適度な伸縮性も ・ストライプ柄の裏地が上品なアクセント ・シンプルで合わせやすいベーシックデザイン ※こんな場面で活躍します※ ・オフィスでのビジネスカジュアルスタイルに ・結婚式や二次会などのセミフォーマルシーンに ・デートや友人との外出に上品な印象を ・季節の変わり目のアウターとしても重宝 ※コーディネート提案※ ・白シャツ×ネイビーパンツでビジネススタイルに ・カラーTシャツ×デニムでカジュアルダウンに ・ポロシャツ×チノパンで爽やかな春夏コーデに ・シャツ×スラックスでキレイめオフィススタイルに ✨サイズ2実寸 •身丈 67cm •袖丈 60cm •肩幅 45cm •身幅(わき下)50cm ✨ブランド TAKEO KIKUCHI タケオキクチ ✨商品名 テーラードジャケット ✨カラー グレー ⭐️商品状態⭐️ 全体的に目立った汚れやダメージはございません。コンディション良好です◎ 古着にご理解いただける方でしたら、問題なくご着用いただけるクオリティだと思います◎ ❤️多数出品しております❤️ ↓ #古着雑貨屋ONEBaby ✨商品状態は可能な限り事実と詳細を記入 致しますが素人による検品の為万が一の 見落としがある可能性がございます。 ✨ピンセットは撮影用に新調した物です。 お使いのPC画面やスマホ端末によって実際の色味と写真の色味が若干異なる場合がございます⚠️ ご検討の際何か気になる事がありましたらコメントにてお知らせ下さい\(^o^)/ C0052 カラー···グレー 柄···無地 素材···ナイロン/ポリエステル,綿 季節···春夏 汚れ・破れ・臭いなど···なし
こちらはTAKEO KIKUCHI(タケオキクチ)のテーラードジャケットです。
•身丈 67cm
•袖丈 60cm
•肩幅 45cm
— How do I use the Remambo proxy shopping service?
1. Please confirm all product details before purchasing. Once confirmed, you can add it to the cart and proceed with the payment.
2. After you pay for the order, Remambo will proceed with purchasing the item for you.
3. Once the seller ships the order and it arrives at the Remambo warehouse in Japan, the order status will update to "Remambo warehouse". You can then either consolidate the orders for shipping or pay for international shipping separately.
2. After you pay for the order, Remambo will proceed with purchasing the item for you.
3. Once the seller ships the order and it arrives at the Remambo warehouse in Japan, the order status will update to "Remambo warehouse". You can then either consolidate the orders for shipping or pay for international shipping separately.
— How much is the proxy purchase service fee?
Remambo shopping help service fee is 500 yen per order. You can also read about other services and fees.
— How do I know if the purchase is successful? What if it's out of stock?
Once you’ve paid for your order, a successful purchased order will show the status "Paid to seller".
Almost 98% of all Mercari purchases are made automatically and immediately.
Our system checks if the Mercari listing can be purchased immediately (item is still on sale and doesn't have "stop words" in the title and description), and if for example the seller needs a comment before a purchase, our system won't make a purchase and this order will be processed manually - the status will show "purchase process".
If the purchase fails or the order is canceled due to seller issues, you’ll receive a refund back to your Remambo purse balance (including the item cost and our service fee).
Almost 98% of all Mercari purchases are made automatically and immediately.
Our system checks if the Mercari listing can be purchased immediately (item is still on sale and doesn't have "stop words" in the title and description), and if for example the seller needs a comment before a purchase, our system won't make a purchase and this order will be processed manually - the status will show "purchase process".
If the purchase fails or the order is canceled due to seller issues, you’ll receive a refund back to your Remambo purse balance (including the item cost and our service fee).
— How much does international shipping cost?
International shipping fees are calculated by the package’s actual weight and/or the volumetric (dimensional) weight and the chosen shipping method. Delivery times and fees vary depending on the shipping method and destination country.
To estimate the international shipping fee, use the Shipping Calculator.
To estimate the international shipping fee, use the Shipping Calculator.
— Are customs duties (import fee) required?
Customs duties are determined by local customs officials upon the package's arrival in the destination country. You are responsible for paying any required duties according to customs regulations.
— What items are prohibited from being shipped?
International shipping cannot handle hazardous items such as flammable, explosive, or toxic goods, or items prohibited by the destination country's regulations etc.
Please check the detailed list of prohibited items.
Please check the detailed list of prohibited items.
— Is there an authenticity guarantee?
As a proxy purchasing platform, Remambo assists you in buying specified items but does not have the capability or obligation to authenticate the items. We cannot guarantee the authenticity of the items.
Please make sure to carefully review the item information before placing your order.
Please make sure to carefully review the item information before placing your order.
— Can I get a refund or return the item?
After an order is placed and payment is completed, cancellations are not accepted. Please make sure to review the item details and your decision carefully before placing your order.
— When will the Japanese seller ship my order?
Japanese sellers typically have slower shipping times, usually taking 3 to 7 days. Occasionally, it might take even longer, so we appreciate your patience.
If your order hasn’t reached our warehouse two weeks after it was placed, please reach out to Customer Support Team for assistance.
If your order hasn’t reached our warehouse two weeks after it was placed, please reach out to Customer Support Team for assistance.
— What other services does Remambo offer?
You can check them all on the services and prices page.

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Comments and Questions
- ONEbaby⭐️お得なセール開催中⭐️【🌟評価数2600達成感謝セール🌟】 日頃の感謝の気持ちをお値引きという 形で皆様に恩返ししたいと思います!! 10名様限定で通常10%のフォロー割を 15%オフにさせていただきます(≧◇≦) こちらのアイテムは15%オフで 【❤6350円❤】となります! やることはフォローと【フォロー済み】 のコメントだけ♡ 10名様限定となります! それでは皆様のコメント お待ちしております(´ω`*)♡24 Mar 2025, 06:00
remambo reliable